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Jana Kohler

Professional Geriatric Care Manager

Jana Kohler photo.Born and raised in Houston surrounded by multiple family members in nursing, Jana’s orientation toward healthcare was strong and nurturing. As a lifelong learner, she has honed nursing skills and related technology to not only provide bedside care but also share her passion as an educator and community leader. She learned early in her career how to appreciate the diverse perspectives of both the care and business sides of healthcare and how to maximize effectiveness.

After nursing school at Houston Community College, she began her career obtaining a broad range of hands-on experience in the fields of pediatric oncology, rehab, orthopedics, dementia care, immunology and long-term care. She later added hospice operations, home health coordination and medical chart auditing to her list of accomplishments. Jana’s work as a nurse educator to patients and families in the field of immunology was a particularly fulfilling experience.

Jana has an associate degree in nursing from the Houston Community College and is credentialed as a registered nurse. While no case is exactly alike, a common goal among families is to learn to make better decisions for – and with – their loved ones. Jana’s approach is to provide important information that is meaningful and understandable to all. In addition, her collaborative management style with staff and professional colleagues fosters good outcomes and care for client and family alike.



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