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Protect Your Heart All Day Long

— Experts from Greece offer insights that could provide a heart health boost morning, noon and night! Give your morning repast a makeover Does what we eat for breakfast, and how much, make a difference in the health of our arteries? Dr. Sotirios Tsalamandris, a cardiologist at the National and Kapodistrian University in Athens, Greece, conducted... Read More

Four Indulgent Treats That Are Good for the Heart

— We’ve been celebrating American Heart Month during February, and many of us are thinking about ways to take good care of our hearts. Maybe we vow to get more exercise, lower our stress and control our blood pressure. Most likely, we are examining our eating habits and looking at ways we can switch to a... Read More

Rehabilitation for Our Most Important Muscle

— February is American Heart Month. This is a great time to learn about cardiac rehabilitation, an important healthcare resource for people who have heart problems. It includes exercise, education on heart-healthy living, and counseling to reduce stress and help patients return to an active life. Patients receive personalized, comprehensive care from a team of experienced... Read More

Doctors Report Increase in “Broken Heart Syndrome”

— Every so often, we read a poignant news story about a couple, married for years, who pass away only a few days apart. “His wife died from a stroke, and he died of a broken heart,” the story might go. Though that is just a saying, there actually is something to it, report cardiologists. According... Read More

A Last-Minute Heart Health Reminder for Super Bowl Sunday

— Heart Health and Touchdowns Each year on the first Sunday in February, a lot of us settle in to watch the Super Bowl. It’s not exactly the healthiest day! We eat a lot of nachos, pizza and other fatty goods. We’re likely to drink too much beer. And while the athletes on TV are getting... Read More

It’s Heart Month! Are You Fit?

— February is American Heart Month and the American Heart Association launched a new campaign, Life’s Simple 7, which includes the My Life Check quiz that consumers can use to quickly ascertain their risk level for developing heart failure, a condition in which the heart is weakened, reducing blood flow to the body. The interactive quiz... Read More


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