March 2, 2020 —
“Free” Time or Device Take-Over? By now, most of us know that getting enough exercise is vital for good health and optimal aging. More people today are at least making an effort, setting aside time several times a week to get some physical activity—a minimum of 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise is a... Read More
January 28, 2020 —
Heart Health and Touchdowns Each year on the first Sunday in February, a lot of us settle in to watch the Super Bowl. It’s not exactly the healthiest day! We eat a lot of nachos, pizza and other fatty goods. We’re likely to drink too much beer. And while the athletes on TV are getting... Read More
January 14, 2020 —
As we grow older, we are more likely to be living with chronic health conditions. Heart disease, arthritis, vision and hearing loss, diabetes and many other illnesses all can take a toll on our quality of life, so it’s not surprising that many seniors who are living with health challenges are also dealing with depression,... Read More