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How Are Seniors Doing as the Pandemic Continues?

— From the beginning of the pandemic, much attention has been paid to older adults, who are at highest risk of serious illness from COVID-19, and who have faced isolation and an interruption to their regular activities as they practiced social distancing. Recent figures show that 75% of people who died from the virus are age... Read More

Reduce Your Stress By Resolving Conflict

— You’ve probably heard the old adage that couples shouldn’t go to bed angry. This advice could apply to other relationships as well, according to a new study from Oregon State University (OSU). The study authors also say older adults are better at heeding this advice than are younger people. The research team reports that after... Read More

Doctors Report Increase in “Broken Heart Syndrome”

— Every so often, we read a poignant news story about a couple, married for years, who pass away only a few days apart. “His wife died from a stroke, and he died of a broken heart,” the story might go. Though that is just a saying, there actually is something to it, report cardiologists. According... Read More


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